
An Autumn Day


To be quite frank, this is a really simple outfit that I came up with at the last minute but it's perfect for one of those lazy days where you have to go somewhere but just can't be bothered to try. Lately, I've been going through what can only be described as a 'writer's block' since I just can't come up with suitable content. Not to mention that school really is taking a toll on me; I sleep 4 hours max on a good night. If you're a fellow fashion blogger then please give me some tips on how to manage a blog and your life at the same time because Lord knows how much I need them. Also, I've been more observant lately when scouring other blogs and noticed that there are often multiple photos in a post, not just a couple (like me) and I'll be truthful, that's really hard to do unless you're born with some mutant gene that makes you extra photogenic. 

Random thoughts over, here's more on this outfit:

This is a simple, casual and your everyday-look sort of outfit that requires zero planning. What I really love about it is the fact that it's quite versatile in the sense that swap a couple of pieces around and you can create an outfit for a different event. In order to make this more formal, I would boycott the red denim skirt for something more classy (think corduroy) and the shoes for a bit more heel. To make this outfit more colourful, my recommendation is to swap the fleece turtleneck for a baggy yellow or red sweater which can easily be tucked into the skirt. 

To achieve a similar look, you can buy the skirt here in blue (mine was originally from Forever 21 but I can’t seem to find it on their website.) Get a similar top here and a similar coat here

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